
donate blood. save lives.

Hayat revolutionizes the blood donation experience by harnessing the power of technology.
Discover real-time updates and streamline operations for transfusion centers.
Join us in making a life-saving impact, one donation at a time.

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Looking for a Transfusion Center ?

Our Key Features

Feature 1 Icon

Real-Time Donor Updates

Stay informed with regularly updated statistics about your nearby transfusion center's blood availability and urgent needs.

Feature 2 Icon

Efficient Transfusion Center Management

Optimize operations with streamlined processes and efficient inventory management with an intuitive control panel.

Feature 3 Icon

Community Engagement

Build a strong network of donors and recipients, fostering a sense of community and support.

About HAYAT.

At HAYAT, our journey began with a shared passion for leveraging technology to make a tangible difference in people's lives. Inspired by personal experiences witnessing the critical need for efficient blood donation processes, our team embarked on a mission to revolutionize the way blood donations are managed.

Each member of our team brings a unique perspective and skill set to the table, united by the common goal of creating a platform that empowers donors and saves lives. What started as a spark of inspiration evolved into a collaborative effort fueled by dedication and innovation.

This project is not just an assignment; it's a reflection of our commitment to making a meaningful impact. Developed as a Portfolio Project for ALX Africa SE Program, HAYAT embodies our dedication to excellence in both technology and social responsibility.

Explore our project repository on GitHub:

HAYAT GitHub Repository